Author Interview with Luciana Cavallaro

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to be interviewed by Luciana Cavallaro on her great website, Eternal Atlantis.  And now, as I write this in my little corner of Vermont, as the summer season shows its first, subtle hints of ripening into a New England autumn, it is my pleasure to return the favor.

I have been a fan of Luciana’s website for quite some time, and really enjoy her work.  I’m sure you will, too.  She was kind enough to answer a few of my questions recently . . .

1. On your fantastic website, you mention that you love both Greece and Italy.  What is it, specifically, that you enjoy so much about these two countries and cultures?

As a teenager I was drawn to Greece, the history and the magnificent historical sites.  There’s a mystical quality to the country which fascinated me and still does.  I’ve been to Greece twice and each time was a memorable trip.  Being of Italian origin, Italy was always on the cards to visit but my appreciation of the country really hit home when my sister and I went there on a Contiki tour.  I must admit it was an odd feeling, as if I was going home.  Both of us felt it the maternal pull, even though we were born in Australia.  The history of Italy and what the Romans achieved, the good and the bad, is still remarkable.

2.  Who are some of your favorite authors?  Were there any authors who inspired you when you were growing up and/or who were driving forces in your development as a writer?

I have many favourite authors across a variety of genres, though stand outs would be David Gemmell, who sadly passed away, Michael Connelly, Massimo Valerio Manfredi, Robert Harris, and PD Martin.  I was in awe of authors who created amazing stories and could take you on a journey where for a while you are immersed in the plight or danger of the character.  Writing stories was something I didn’t consider especially growing up.  English was not my strongest subject at school but I loved to read.  It wasn’t until I read Herodotus’s The Histories while studying at university and then Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey that I was inspired to write.

3. Many of your stories center around ancient history and myth.  Do you have a particular favorite Greek God and/or Goddess?

Not really,  I find them all equally mesmerising.  Each has flaws as well as positive traits which is a great way to explain the nature of human behaviour.

4. When you write about famous characters, such as Helen of Troy, you are of course somewhat restricted by historical and literary precedent.  There is an established story in place for such a character.  How do you therefore walk the line of staying true to the classical literature and yet, simultaneously, inject a fresh, new, and perhaps unexpected or even controversial point of view?

Reading various sources and watching documentaries helped create a profile of Helen and of the other characters in the short stories series.  I wanted to tell their version of events but still keep some of the characteristics of their personalities as well as keeping true to the myth or story.  The most challenging aspect about the stories I have written is how well known they are and how readers will react to my translation of them.  I do hope I have, to use your words, “injected a fresh” perspective of mythology with my stories.

5. The stories you write clearly entail a lot of research and study into the subject matter.  Do you enjoy that part of the process?  Or is it something you like to get done and out of the way?

I love the research and learning new intriguing information, it is what drives me to write the stories.  I read Euripides’ play on Phaedra and followed it up with research.  There is not a lot of information about her but there is plenty on her father King Minos, her sister Ariadne, Theseus, and of course the Minotaur.  She was a little-known character amidst these huge players and yet she had a story to tell.  Most of the nonfiction books I read tend to generate ideas for me and then I go and explore.

6. Do you have any new works in progress that you can tell us about?

I am currently reworking my epic novel, The Legacy, a huge task as I am deconstructing each chapter.  Had hopes of getting it published early next year but may take longer, depends on how much I can get done between now and the end of the year.  I am also working on a print version of the short stories titled Accursed Women, and aiming to have it out late this year.

7. Where can readers discover more about you and your work?

People can visit my blog Eternal Atlantis:

Come say hello on my Facebook Page:

Follow me on Twitter:

I have a Google+ page, too, and if you really want to keep up to date with the latest news on book releases, launches, competitions,  I have an e-Bulletin: I am on Goodreads:, and have a Smashwords page:, Amazon Author page:, and am on Kobo:



Luciana Cavallaro grew up in a small country town in Western Australia and moved to Perth to study teaching at university.  After some years teaching teenagers, she decided it was time take some of her own advice and follow her dream.





Luciana has travelled extensively and since her first trip to Europe revisited her favourite destinations — Greece and Italy — the inspiration for her stories.  “Mythology and Ancient History has always been my passion and I want to share these wonderful legends.”






Thanks so much to Luciana for doing this interview, and thank you to everyone for reading!


24 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. insaneowl
    Aug 13, 2013 @ 20:10:14

    Reblogged this on insaneowl.


  2. Christy Birmingham
    Aug 13, 2013 @ 22:13:56

    Nice interview and I will check out the blog of this busy author!


  3. jjspina
    Aug 14, 2013 @ 02:32:41

    Nice job on this interview, Mike. Luciana sounds like a very interesting person.


  4. tonyroberts64
    Aug 14, 2013 @ 02:34:43

    She is in a fitting genre if she loves research. God bless her.


  5. Sheryl Wright Stinchcum
    Aug 15, 2013 @ 02:31:51

    “Phaedra” is mentioned in my favorite romance, ST. ELMO. (My friend Deadra Lore is writing a ST ELMO study guide, so she looked up “Phaedra” and gave me a summary.) Augusta Evans Wilson has many references to Greek mythology in her novel. Regarding Greek god and goddesses, some think those myths were inspired by actual beings called the Nephillim (mentioned in Genesis 6: 4), which is a fascinating subject in and of itself.


    • The Eye-Dancers
      Aug 15, 2013 @ 15:46:37

      Thanks Sheryl! That does sound fascinating indeed!


      • Sheryl Wright Stinchcum
        Aug 16, 2013 @ 03:12:10

        Some think the Nephilim are responsible for the alien phenomena. You might be interested in reading the Book of Enoch sometime, which goes into more detail about the Nephilim. The apocryphal Book of Enoch is not in the Bible, but it is referred to in the New Testament Book of Jude (verse 14). My understanding is that Nephilim are the offspring of the “sons of God” (fallen angels?) and the “daughters of men.” I guess this is beginning to sound like an episode of the Twilight Zone–but the reference in Gen. 6: 4 is real, though controversial.

  6. Fashion Mayann
    Aug 15, 2013 @ 04:43:11

    Reading about inspirations and following dreams is really uplifting, so thank you for sharing this great interview !


  7. dilipnaidu
    Aug 15, 2013 @ 15:22:05

    Excellent interview!


  8. Marian
    Aug 18, 2013 @ 09:50:51

    Reblogueó esto en Trópico de cáncery comentado:
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  9. Violet Wave
    Aug 19, 2013 @ 08:23:47

    Haio my friend о(ж>▽<)y ☆ I have nominated you for Very Inspiring Blogger Award wish you luck o (◡‿◡✿)

    for more info (


  10. newromantics4
    May 06, 2014 @ 18:29:21

    Reblogged this on Lizzie Lamb and commented:
    Although not my genre, a great blog post in any case 🙂


  11. Aquileana
    Oct 04, 2014 @ 19:09:21

    Great feature. Thanks for spreading the word!. Best wishes, Aquileana 😀


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