The Quiet Blog

It is hard to believe I began The Eye-Dancers website nearly twelve years ago.  This blog has seen me through many life changes, some devastating heartbreaks, a career change, two novels, and, lately, a bit of a writer’s drought.  Through it all, I’ve tried to come up with new and interesting ideas to write about, and it has been a joy to share my musings with all of you.

I am still here, and intend to stick around as long as I can.  But, of course, it is obvious that The Eye-Dancers website is not what it used to be.  When I began, way back in 2012, I thought I’d just write a few posts promoting the then-new Eye-Dancers novel, and then leave blogging in the proverbial rearview mirror.  But a funny thing happened along the way–I fell in love with blogging!  I enjoyed the platform to talk about my novel, about writing, creativity, some of my favorite movies and TV shows, stories of my life.  I treasured the online friendships I made with all of you, and I kept going.


For a while, from 2013 through maybe 2017 or 2018, this site was a vibrant, popular place.  I put an enormous effort into posting multiple times per month, and I spent a lot of time each week visiting others’ blogs and delving deep into the wonderful WordPress community.  Some of the posts I published in those years garnered many hundreds of Likes and dozens upon dozens of comments.  Those were heady days, and I greatly enjoyed them.

As time went on, though, and with a career change in late 2019, where I started working for myself as a professional editor–something I still do full-time–the ability I once had to spend vast amounts of time on WordPress took a major hit.  As the months and years went on, my publishing rate on here dwindled and dwindled, finally cratering at once per month, which I am still maintaining.


Some might wonder why I am still here at all.  After all, I’m not here very much anymore and post only at the aforementioned frequency of once per month.  And yet . . . even with the sharp reduction in activity, sharing my thoughts with you is something I still love.  There aren’t as many readers of The Eye-Dancers blog anymore–not even close–but I deeply appreciate those of you who have stuck with the site through all these years, and who still pay a visit once a month when I post.

And while this site is now a soft, whispering echo of what it once was, like a carnival during the offseason, the crowds thinned, the rides quiet . . . it still stands.

I am still here.

And I am so thankful you are, too.


Thanks so much for reading!
